canvas 5025

2016 - Present

care plan

Canvas 5025 attempts to offer respite from the noise and misplaced gifts of a converted urban landscape, within an orchestra of native flora and fauna that we planted after the unhealthy chemically treated railroad ties were removed from the soil. However as Highland Park expands, traffic gets worse, and condominiums continue sprouting, the sounds of birds and the breeze fade into the daily fireworks. As we attempt to reverse these symptoms of colonialism and restore the land, we also understand that we can only attempt to model and educate as land is connected to culture and will always mirror our breath and consciousness. what untune will never offer is a manicured garden as that is not what an active and biodiverse plant ecology in Southern Californian’s Tongva land looks like. what untune attempts to do is listen, pay attention, and receive feedback from the land and the Indigenous people while humbly and actively creating conditions for plants, animals, birds, insects, and microbes to grow and live more healthily. By working towards becoming better weavers, rather than gardeners, we aim to redirect and guide the flows of energy and move away from the language and mindset of a conquest culture. we do not own this land - period.


canvas 5025 - [2011-2016]


RAG - [2021-2022]