
social: relating to society or its constitution.

synonyms:  communal, community, collective, group, general, popular, civil, public, societal

  • To be anti any of the above is to be antisocial, recognized as a social problem. Refusing to be social is refusing to relate to human society and its members.  Someone with social issues. Sociopaths are often described as antisocial –  “dangerous, unprincipled, distasteful, disruptive, rebellious, misanthropic, reclusive, withdrawn…”  Is it an inability to relate or a refusal to relate that deems one against society? I relate to both.  I’m an animal. I fight for nature and die when mother nature decides.  My security is locked inside my gut and that ain’t social. Delete ‘social’ and you simply have security, reform, justice, media, anxiety, science, cohesion, exclusion, control, distortion. In politics, this is often a right-wing perspective. Our society encourages social but demonizes socialism. Conflict of interest. Conflict of times. Conflicting times. I’m a socialist anyhow.

    For the purpose of further breaking down these socialized normalized layers, our conditioned praising of the individualist, the artist ego, self sustainability, self identity, self righteousness drilled into our existence as western inhabiters, untune curates programming dedicated to “Social” as a concept used in different contexts and phrases referring to attitudes, behaviors, conditions, and cultural-political views that consider the interests, intentions, actions, and philosophies of organisms living collectively in interacting populations. Programming will include events, discussions, presentations, and performances.