
the shape of things to come—

an organism reliant on the contribution of interchanging parts—a social experiment in building support and natural resources with parameters continually reset to remain grounded in current issues relating to the correlation between culture, land, and food sovereignty—a creative entity for learning and supporting the teachings of Indigenous ecocultural knowledge—within and outside a curatorial fieldwork.

  • with no beginning, no ending, and always a work in progress, built with the sweat of nonconforming creatives, untune remains committed to making space for a diverse range of voices to engage, learn, unlearn, create, transfer knowledge, and build support systems.

    We are committed to supporting voices and organizations:
    CALLING for an end to the killing of Palestinian people and land;
    ENDING complicity and Imperial fascist mindsets;
    REJECTING the normalization of occupation, apartheid, and genocide;
    SUPPORTING the right to return to ancestral land (not operation prison);
    RESTORING land by supporting the habitat that is native to the land

    This is untune

    Here’s to
    Socializing awkwardness
    Sustaining the fight for liberation
    Slowing down for regeneration
    Treating native cultures and ecology with equal respect
    And tumbling down unpaved roads together